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Re: Tense driving lately

To: Jeff McNeal <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Subject: Re: Tense driving lately
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 23:10:31 -0700
The term "shakedown cruise" applies as much to the captain as the ship!


Jeff McNeal wrote:
> It's been a real strange three days of driving.  First, my longest journey
> to date the day before yesterday in my Spitfire, down to the DMV office to
> get registered, only to find they were closed.  I was tense on that one
> because it's the first time I've driven the car since my mishap last month
> and every little rattle and shimmy from the front end made me sit up and
> take notice.  As the speedometer reached about 55 MPH, I began to see my
> life flash before my eyes.  By yesterday, on my return trip to the DMV, I
> lost the shakes and actually began to loosen up and enjoy the ride.  Except
> it was very cloudy and as I was waiting at the DMV office, I was nervous
> that it might start raining -- on my newly upholstered seats and brand new
> carpets.  A few scattered drops fell, but everything turned out fine,
> although again, the ride was tense because I don't have a soft top that I
> could have put up.  Today, I had to drive my New Beetle in a driving
> rainstorm on the freeway, where I hydroplaned a few times and got to my
> destination, only to discover that there was scheduling mixup and I wouldn't
> be needed until tomorrow.  So I drove BACK in the driving rain and
> hydroplaned all over the place.  3 hours of that, thank you.  Then, this
> evening, I let my 15-year-old son drive me around in our 12-year-old Maxima
> so he can gain some experience.  He JUST got his learners permit two days
> ago and I am NOT used to being a passenger for anyone, let alone a 15 and a
> half year old kid who's still wet behind the ears. He drove over the curb
> when I asked him to pull over (" I haven't learned how to do that yet,
> Dad!") and I had to reach over three times to yank on the wheel to keep him
> from driving into the curb again.  This life flashing before my eyes stuff
> is getting old!  I see a rash of gray hairs coming on FAST!
> Calgon, take me away!
> Cheers,
> Jeff in San Diego

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