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Drilled out discs

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Drilled out discs
From: "GIBSON,PETE (A-England,ex1)" <pete_gibson@agilent.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 13:07:47 -0000
Hi All,

I was doing a bit of Spitfire homepage surfing and came across the

The point of interest to me is the drilled brake disc, what are the
advantages of this, is the pattern direction important?

I am thinking of changing my discs at some time in the future and if
drilling them gives me a stopping advantage then I shall get it done. Can
anyone recommend a pattern or better still supply a mechanical drawing.


| Pete Gibson                      o            Agilent Technologies    |
| Senior Engineer            o     O     o      Whitehouse Road         |
| Tel: +44 (0)1473 465357      O   O   O        Ipswich                 |
| Fax: +44 (0)1473 464965        O   O          England, IP1 5PB        |
|                         o  O  O     O  O  o                           |
| Email:                         O   O                                  |
| pete_gibson@agilent.com      O   O   O        AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES    |
|                            o     O     o      Innovating the HP Way   |
|                                  o                                    |

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