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Re: Brakes

To: "Patrick Bowen" <pabowen@mediaone.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Brakes
From: "John Weber" <weberjm@teleport.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 08:30:34 -0800

Just rebuilt my left rear.
Did the brakes at the same time.
I noticed that the Haynes manual had a picture of them with the drum removed
and that there was a blurb in the text about the installation of the shoes
NOT being symetrical (sp?).
On disassembly, I noted that the shoes were identical, and that the PO had
installed them symmetrically(sp?).
I reinstalled the entire thing IAW Haynes, and the drum goes on nicely
(although tight, adjuster full out).  The only difference I could discern on
the picture was that the trailing shoe was upside down (?) from the leading
This may affect you as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Bowen <pabowen@mediaone.net>
To: spitfires@autox.team.net <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Date: Saturday, November 20, 1999 11:31 AM
Subject: Brakes

>I am redoing the rear brakes on my '79 Spit.  The axles are all the way off
>on the bench (shipwrights disease) and I am doing them there.  I have
>everything connected and on correctly and the brakes adjusted the entire
>in.  However, the drum will not fit on.  The shoes were remanufactured ones
>from NAPA (whole lot cheaper than the usual suspects and no shipping) but I
>am questioning the quality.  a couple of the ends of material looked a
>little crushed.  all four shoes are exactly the same, no leading or
>trailing.  I have looked at this everyway imaginable and am lost.  This is
>probably the thirty-thousandth time i have done brakes, so I don't think I
>could be doing something stupid and simple.  Is it possible that the shoes
>are too thick or wrap around too far?  How can I check this?  Should I take
>them back (I really rather not)  What does the great wisdom of the list
>to say.
>Patrick Bowen

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