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Re: Burned on the net, exposed.

To: "Albert F Jones" <fisher@hctc.net>, "Jim" <jdeatsc1@rochester.rr.com>,
Subject: Re: Burned on the net, exposed.
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 18:45:55 -0400
Albert F Jones via Elizabeth wrote:
> Good morning listers, & Jim Deatsch,
>       I have just read the message from Jim Deatsch, and Fred Thomas's
> subsequent reply in my husband's defense, which I appreciate.
>       For those of you who may be interested, it is I who usually responds,
> the internet, to messages received here.
>       When a technical question is asked I usually do it at my husband's
> direction.  It was I who replied to Jim's message - and he knew that his
> message would probably be read and answered by me - I found it
>       But - I digress.
>       At the moment that I received Aaron's message to the list I contacted
> - as I am sure that he will attest.  I informed him that we had, in fact,
> refunded the amount that he had paid for a hard to find oil pump re-build
> kit, upon receipt of his message.  This was by way of money order.  I am
> investigating to discover if this has, in fact, been cashed.  If it has,
> will ask to have a copy of the signature for verification.
>       With regard to Jim Deatsch.  He purchased a set of used horns, and asked
> for various other parts.  We talked about a tub that we had for a
> - but we told him that it was probably not in better shape than the one
> that he already had. He asked about letters and was quoted a price, but
> chose not to pay for them after they had been sent to him. He asked about
> bumper - and he was told that it was not in good shape, but that it
> be worked on and re-chromed.  We believed that it could.  Jim Deatsch was
> always aware that if he was disatisfied with any of the parts he could
> always return them.  We asked what we considered was a fair price for the
> bumper.  It was some time before I contacted Jim Deatsch to discover if
> had, in fact, received the bumper.  He had not had the curtesy to notify
> us of either it's receipt or his disatisfaction.  When he did respond to
> message, he was extremely curt, and used language that I considered
> Perhaps my English ethnicity is to blame for my dislike of poor taste -
> whatever form it is expressed.
>       Upon receipt of Jim Deatsch's curt reply, I replied that he could return
> ALL of the parts that we had sold him, for a full refund.  Or, he could
> return the bumper and we would deduct the cost of the letters from his
>       I considered this to be extremely fair, but received NO reply from Jim
> Deatsch, and have not yet at the time of writing.
>       My husband does not 'claim to have either been a dealer in British Cars
> some such association in the past.'  He was in business for over 20 years
> in San Antonio - where he restored and maintained British marques, after
> retiring from the Army.  He is a man of integrity.  He has not seen this
> message yet, I do intend to show him any of this until it is resolved
> satisfactorily.  He would be greatly distressed that a  man of Jim
> Deatsch's obvious caliber could de-fame him in this way.
>       Should  listers wish for more details of my dealings with Jim Deatsch I
> would be perfectly happy to send copies of all mesages between us, I have
> kept all copies.
>       There have been discussions on this list, and others, about the
> of exposing people whose intention is to cheat, and I agree that there
> indeed, a validity to this.  However, I do not believe that one man's
> should be allowed to poison the perception of the majority of listers in
> this way.
>       I await your comments and verdicts.
> Elizabeth Jones
> Comfort, TX

Sounds pretty reasonable to me! I would not expect much in a bumper that I
paid $30 for...let's be realistic. Actually, I would expect it to be so
poor, that it would only be better than having nothing at all! I've never
had any dealings with these folks, but they sound honourable to me...and
yes, if they had something I needed, I think I would try them out. Let's be
open minded here...me too...I am ready to be convinced otherwise...but not
by what I have heard so far.


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