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RE: Spitfire Screen Saver now online!

To: "'Rick Gregory'" <rick_gregory@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: Spitfire Screen Saver now online!
From: Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 08:40:10 -0600
Rick (and others)
  Thanks.  I'll put some resizing logic in today and update the put just the
screen saver on the web site.   Most of the pictures are ones that you
Spitoholics sent me, I threw in some ads because I like them (and they show
off our heritage), if you don't want them, delete the Spit??ad.bmp files
from the image folder.  I'll get the installer fine-tuned (so you can
download the ads and images separately), hopefully before I go back to
Guatemala this week.

Mike Welch
'68 +/- Triumph Spitfire
'60 Jaguar MkII

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Gregory [mailto:rick_gregory@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 8:19 PM
To: Mike Welch
Cc: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfire Screen Saver now online!


I downloaded & installed the screen saver. Great idea.
I like it--well done. 

I do have a couple of suggestions though :)

1. The pictures (ads, etc) are kind of small in the
center of my screen. They are a little hard to see. My
resolution is 1024x768. Can we enlarge them?

2. I think it would be a great idea to have a
Spit-List screen saver showcasing our actual cars.
Perhaps we could send you pictures for another


PS: I'd like to have a linux equivalent for my linux
workstation... have you ever worked with linux/kde?
I'm gonna check into it...

--- Mike Welch <mikew@turbopower.com> wrote:
> Spitophiles,
>   The Spitfire Screen Saver is now available from
> http://home.turbopower.com/~mikew/SpitSaver.htm. 
> The page isn't pretty, but
> it has the links.  The installer is about 2320K, but
> I got too tired from
> trying to trim it down any more.  Let me know what
> you think...
> Mike Welch
> '68 +/- Triumph Spitfire
> '60 Jaguar MkII
> http://home.turbopower.com/~mikew

Spitfire page at http://www.apiinc.com/rick/spitrec.html

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