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RE: Triumph Spitfire Conversions

To: "'tr6'" <tr6@mail.icongrp.com>,
Subject: RE: Triumph Spitfire Conversions
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:22:35 +0100
Please don't get me wrong here - Don, Paul, you are free to do whatever
you want to your cars so long as it's gonna make you happy, and I
certainly wouldn't want to tell you what is and is not ok.  But I can't
figure out why anyone would want a 5-speed conversion, when there's a
perfectly good overdrive unit available.

Apart from the fact that it's going to fit a lot better, since the car
was designed around it, it's an arrangement which has been used on this
car in various forms since the earliest models came off the production
line, and these years have shown that on the whole it's a good setup
which is capable of lasting.  And IMHO it's more fun to drive than a
5-speed - you can switch it in and out without lifing off the gas,
without having to use the clutch, just by moving your finger, but
without feeling like you're driving a car with an automatic gearbox.
Unless you're going to be racing, I can't see that the weight difference
is going to be significant......

Ok, that's enough stirring for now - next I'm going to sit back and
watch the argument unfold!


>From:  Mostrom, Paul[SMTP:Mostrom.Paul@principal.com]
>Sent:  19 July 1999 14:52
>To:    'tr6'; spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       RE: Triumph Spitfire Conversions
>Do you have the URL for the website?  I would be very interested in this type
>of conversion.  
>Paul Mostrom
>'77 Spitfire 1500
>'80 Ford F-100 (Triumph Support Vehicle) 
>'Black holes, where God divided by zero......'
>-----Original Message-----
>From: tr6 [mailto:tr6@mail.icongrp.com]
>Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 7:43 AM
>To: spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject: Fw: Triumph Spitfire Conversions
>   Some of you may be interested in the following e-mail exchange I have had
>with Conversion Components Ltd of New Zealand.  They are the same people who
>do the TR-6 Toyota Supra 5 speed conversions.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Collin <conversioncomp@xtra.co.nz>
>To: tr6 <tr6@mail.icongrp.com>
>Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 12:46 AM
>Subject: Re: Triumph Spitfire Conversions
>>tr6 wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>>    I have been following your webpage for quite some time, hoping that
>>> you would list a conversion for a Triumph Spitfire.  Then, I noticed
>>> that your add in the August - September 1999 issue now lists Spitfires
>>> and I would really appreciate it if you would e-mail me all the info
>>> you can about the kit.  Are they for the 1147, 1296, and/or 1500
>>> engines?
>>>    My TR-6 did OK without OD or a 5 speed, but in my part of the world
>>> (USA-Midwest) a Spitfire absolutely requires either an OD or 5 speed
>>> and I would much prefer a 5 speed.
>>>    Look forward to hearing from you!
>>>               Don Emery
>>>               Crown Point, IN, USA
>>>               tr6@mail.icongrp.com
>>Yes our website needs updating. We are currently developing a Spitfire -
>>5 speed conversion.  It should be available in a couple of months.
>>For 1500 engine.
>>Total cost of conversion kit, gearbox & airfreight  US $ 1146.50
>>Please send postal address incl zip code for more information.
>>Regards  Colin Dray  Conversion Components Ltd  NZ

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