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Re: New Mallory Distributor

To: "David Gates" <dgates@lava.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: New Mallory Distributor
From: "Peter S." <alfapete@pacbell.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 23:47:41 -0700
Well, with all the gas in there it'll be very cleaned out when you do your
oil change.  Filter too of course.
Peter S

----- Original Message -----
From: David Gates <dgates@lava.net>
To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 1999 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: New Mallory Distributor

> Thanks Bob,
> Your answers got me most of the way there and I found a guy on the web
> sells Mallory equipment who was very helpful with tech support even though
> I didn't buy it from him.  His name is Sam Solace and his site is
> http://www.centuryperformance.com/Default.htm .   I figure his online
> shop deserves a quick plug for his kind help, very nice and knowledgeable
> At any rate, my new dual point distributor is in and working!!! Yippie!!!
> This is the first time the car has sprung to life in over a year, so its
> nice to have it running.  A couple more weeks and I should have all the
> little stuff done to make it roadworthy.
> I had a strange problem today with it once it was running.  I checked my
> oil level and found it to be VERY high, almost twice too much oil.  It
> seemed pretty thin also.  After scratching my head for a bit I noticed
> it smelled like gas.  Now I remember reading about this problem on the
> a while back.  So I immediately pulled the mechanical fuel pump off and
> checked it for leaking into the block.  Sure enough it was, probably about
> 5% of the gas it was pumping was going into the block.  :(  Luckily I have
> an electric pump to put on from my recent parting out of my '76.
> I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped out.  With any luck she
> will be on the road in a couple weeks.  Yep, she's a woman.  No name yet
> but definately a woman.
> David Gates
> Hawaii
> At 06:16 PM 6/18/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >David writes:
> >
> >> For my '78 Spitfire I have a new Mallory dual point distributor (VB
> >> 17-501), Mallory super duty chrome coil (VB 17-570), and Mallory coil
> >> resistor (VB 17-571).  I have the distributor physically installed in
> >> car, but I am a little unsure of the electrical connections.
> >[...]
> >> 1.  Because the new distributor is points it only has one electrical
> >> connection.  Should this be the white/black wire on the above mentioned
> >> connector?  It looks like the other end goes to the - coil.  Then there
> >> another white/black wire on the - coil that must go to the tach but I
> >> not ohm that one out.
> >
> >On my car(s) these wires are white/slate, but no matter, use
> >the one from the old connector at the dizzy to connect to your Mallory.
> >The other end does go to the coil (-), and the other wire on this coil
> >post feeds the tach.  You have sussed it out.
> >
> >> 2.  How does the white/blue and the white wire come into play?  The
> >> schematics show them connecting to the distributor somehow but it
> >> show how.  With only one terminal on the distributor I can't see this
> >> happening anyway.
> >
> >The remaining (unused) wires in the connector were to provide +12V and
> >connection to the drive resistor to the original electronic ignition.
> >You don't need them anymore.
> >
> >> 3.  The VB catalog (SG.27) pg 21 says "Mallory resistor should be used
> >> replace stock resistor.  Super Duty coil must be used with proper
> >> resistor."  So, I have this new resistor.  Does it replace the one
> >> by the alternator connected to a white and a white/blue wire?  These
> >> the other ends of the wires as mentioned in #2 above.
> >
> >The resistor mounted by the alternator is the "drive" resistor (it was)
> >used
> >by the original electronic ignition.  It's no longer needed and is not
> >related to the ballast resistance.  I don't know the specifics, but I
> >presume the "Mallory Resistor" that they want you to use has a different
> >ohmic value or power dissipation rating.
> >
> >> 4.  What about the "proper ballast resistor" that the catalog mentions?
> >> This sounds like the ballast resistor wire that connects to the starter
> >> solenoid.  It ohms out at 1.5 ohms.  Is this the "proper" ballast for
> >> setup?  I thought the 40,000 volt coil was not suppose to use a ballast
> >> resistor.  The VTR page write up says that the 40,000 volt coil should
> >> a bypass on this so it is always 12v to the coil.  So why does the VB
> >> catalog say I need the "proper" one if its not even suppose to be in
> >
> >You might measure the resistance of the Mallory resistor and see if it
> >is
> >also 1.5 ohm.  Whether or not any external ballast resistance is
> >appropriate
> >for the 40kV coil you have.... I can't say for sure.
> >
> >Hope this helps,
> >Bob (& '78 Spits)
> >
> >

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