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RE: chassisnumber and unlead engine

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: chassisnumber and unlead engine
From: Dean Dashwood <DDashwood@softwright.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 14:14:25 +0100

I'm sure there is a chasis number, but can't remember exactly where it
is (the only place that springs to mind is on the plate near where the
left hand bonnet catch attaches - but I think that only shows the
commission number, not the chasis number).  Someone here will know -
Andy Mace, maybe?

As for converting to unleaded, it can be done, fairly easily.  All you
need to do is get hardened exhaust valve seats fitted - although it's
much easier just to change the whole head for one which includes the
hardened seats.  The parts will cost you in the region of 250 pounds
sterling for a cylinder head assy (including valves, etc.) and a head
gasket set.  Labour I would guess will cost about the same again, but
don't quote me on that, and just about anyone will be able to do it.

If that price seems a little high, there are alternatives.  If you don't
use the car too much, it might be more economical to use one of the lead
substitutes which are available now, or lead replacement petrol which
will be available soon - there are several reports about which ones work
and which ones don't work (I'm sure Yahoo will point you in the right
direction!) but I don't have any experience of any of them.

Or you could just carry on using unleaded with your current engine until
it packs up - that's what John Kipping recommends.  Aparently any engine
with more than 50,000 miles on the clock will already have built up
enough protection from the lead that's been put through it over the
years to last a lifetime.  And if it doesn't, the only thing you're
going to damage are the same bits that you'd replace if you did the
conversion now, so there's no harm waiting until you're forced to
replace them.  At least that's the theory.  I'm not completely sure that
I'd be happy with this on my daily driver, though.....


>From:  Pieter Cramwinckel[SMTP:pjcdjc@club-internet.fr]
>Sent:  18 June 1999 13:11
>To:    spitfires@autox.team.net
>Subject:       chassisnumber and unlead engine
>2 questions:
>1. is there a chassisnumber marked on the chassis somewhere for the spitfire
>2. Can the 1500 engine be converted to leadfree? What are the approx costs?
>Which companies perform this ?
>Pieter Cramwinckel

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