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Re: Poor Nigel...

To: "Laura G." <savercool@email.msn.com>,
Subject: Re: Poor Nigel...
From: "Jeffrey B. Williams" <jeffrey.williams@cwix.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 09:50:40 -0400
My Condolences...   but I am glad to hear that you were unhurt (physically).
I have never communicated with you directly on the list, but I have really
come to enjoy hearing about your and Nigel's exploits.  I often lapse into
daydreams about what life will be like after getting the restoration done on
my '73 after reading your posts.  You and have my deepest and sincere
sympathies.  Tell Nigel to get well soon!

Jeffrey B. Williams
1973 Spitfire FM1694UO
Soon to be yello with black interior

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura G. <savercool@email.msn.com>
To: Spitfire Mail List <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Friday, October 16, 1998 4:18 AM
Subject: Poor Nigel...

>It happened. Yep, I did it. I had an accident tonight. A really stupid one.
>I'm driving along one of our main drags at 10:30pm-and yes, there's stop
>go traffic. So, I was going really slow. I see out of the corner of my eye
>the 4th accident I've passed today. It's a old Mustang. Looks just like my
>buddy Bill's and in the moment it took me to glance over and think to
>myself, "oh no, is that Bill?"-THUNK! I hit the big new Chrysler in front
>me. All I could say over and over was "oh no. Oh my God" The Chrysler had a
>small dent and a broken licnse plate frame. Nigel has a horribly bloodied
>nose. I called Dave-the PO, builder and mechanic. And at 11pm-he was still
>at his shop. I'm crying and much to his credit the first thing he says is
>"Are you ok? Where are you-I'll come and get you." So, I drive over and he
>says everything will be ok. He might even have the work done in time for
>And at 10pm-I was leaving some friends who were saying-oh, you're sure to
>win a prize-unless you have an accident between now and the 24th!
>Just an awful day. Really shouldn't have been driving because I've been
>quite ill the last 2 days-but, I had appoinments that I absolutly had to
>keep-otherwise I wouldn't have gone out feeling so tired.
>Oh well.
>Now I've just got to convince this woman tomorrow to just I'll pay for her
>repair myself and not report it to the insurance company! Wish me luck!
>Thank God for Dave!
>Laura G. and a bruised Nigel!

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