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Re: Poor Nigel...

To: "Laura G." <savercool@email.msn.com>,
Subject: Re: Poor Nigel...
From: jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil (Bowen, Patrick A. RP2)
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 09:51:36
Aweful sorry to hear this, I hope it works out OK.

At 12:40 AM 10/16/98 -0700, Laura G. wrote:
>It happened. Yep, I did it. I had an accident tonight. A really stupid one.
>I'm driving along one of our main drags at 10:30pm-and yes, there's stop and
>go traffic. So, I was going really slow. I see out of the corner of my eye
>the 4th accident I've passed today. It's a old Mustang. Looks just like my
>buddy Bill's and in the moment it took me to glance over and think to
>myself, "oh no, is that Bill?"-THUNK! I hit the big new Chrysler in front of
>me. All I could say over and over was "oh no. Oh my God" The Chrysler had a
>small dent and a broken licnse plate frame. Nigel has a horribly bloodied
>nose. I called Dave-the PO, builder and mechanic. And at 11pm-he was still
>at his shop. I'm crying and much to his credit the first thing he says is
>"Are you ok? Where are you-I'll come and get you." So, I drive over and he
>says everything will be ok. He might even have the work done in time for
>And at 10pm-I was leaving some friends who were saying-oh, you're sure to
>win a prize-unless you have an accident between now and the 24th!
>Just an awful day. Really shouldn't have been driving because I've been
>quite ill the last 2 days-but, I had appoinments that I absolutly had to
>keep-otherwise I wouldn't have gone out feeling so tired.
>Oh well.
>Now I've just got to convince this woman tomorrow to just I'll pay for her
>repair myself and not report it to the insurance company! Wish me luck!
>Thank God for Dave!
>Laura G. and a bruised Nigel!
Patrick Bowen
'79 Spitfire
Jacksonville FL

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