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Re: Door Handle replacement

To: <Spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Door Handle replacement
From: "Moorse,Jeffrey" <jeff.moorse@ABBOTT.COM>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 11:22:27 -0500
Here's how I do this on my 1974 Spitfire:

1) Hold the spring and escutcheon on the door.
2) Push a 1/8" punch through one side of the handle, put the handle on =
door and push the punch through the shaft.
3) Use needle nose pliers to put the pin in the other side of the handl=
e and
push it in with a screwdriver.  The pin will push the punch out.  The s=
and escutcheon will hold the pin in place.

Good luck.

Jeff Moorse

owner-spitfires@autox.team.net on 10/01/98 10:27:20 AM
Please respond to gt6driver@YAHOO.COM @ INTERNET
To: spitfires@autox.team.net @ INTERNET
Subject: Door Handle replacement

How in heaven's name do you replace the inside door handles or window
cranks on a '70 GT6+?

I've got the old bits off, (didn't have any springs or escutcheons)
and am now going about installing the complete kit I got from TRF.

Is there a tool or trick to getting that bitty pin through the handle
with the spring and escutcheon in place??

Does the escutcheon hold that little pin in place? It seems rather
loose--I'd hate for it to fall out with the effort I've put in
attempting to install it!

Help! My wife and kids would like to be able to let themselves out,
instead of me opening the door for them from outside!

John Donohoe
'70 GT6+
'70 GT6+ (future Sixfire)


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