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RE: air grease gun tube

Subject: RE: air grease gun tube
From: Ron Horwitz <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 05:59:15 -0800 (PST)
--- Randall <> wrote:

> Any place that sells grease guns should also sell
> various extensions.  One
> source is MMC :
> (search for grease gun)
> As I recall, Pep Boys had both flexible and metal
> extensions.

All I can find at local stores is rubber that is
marked "for manual guns only."  Even the McMaster link
specifies most pieces are for manual guns.  Only a
couple of limited options specifically allowed for air
guns.  This is why I was inquiring of the crowd for
the "been there" experience that seems to indicate
that I won't die a horrible death by using standard
hoses for my limited use of the air grease gun.

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