> I'm really going to buy a wire welder.
> It must run hard wire, will be used primarily for sheet metal and stuff
> up to 1/8 or 3/16. I will use Old Sparky for welding trailers and such.
> Question: Lowest price welders that seem reasonably good are the Lincoln
> welders, model SP-100, available for $310 plus the gas conversion kit.
> Has anybody had good / bad experiences with them?
> --
I have a Lincoln which sounds like the same model/price that you
describe. I used it to replace the floors, sills, and dog legs on my MG.
I had no problems with it. 3/16 might be pushing the limits on that
machine, however.
After I bought mine at Home Depot, I learned that Lincoln sells what appears to
be an upgraded version of this machine with the gas conversion kit
already installed.
If I had it to do over, I would buy it from a local welding shop where
you will have to go for the gas anyway. Tell the people there what
your are planning to do with the welder and what your experience
level is.
Peter Schauss, Long Island, NY
1963 BJ7
1980 MGB