>For a couple of bucks you get a little 2-inch-square card with
>an orange dot that turns dark in the presence of CO.
So that's where they come from! My grandfather used to have them in his
It is now possible to get electronic CO detectors, like smoke detectors,
(make a loud noise), I believe $10-20 or so. Not sure where, I think I say
these at Target stores. Might be better because it you do get CO in the air,
and get sleepy, it should make a racket & wake a person up to get out!
I would personally not recommend the forced air propane or kerosene heaters,
it's much easier for them to get out of optimal adjustment, and produce CO,
than it is for the catalyst type of heater (Radient types?)
Scott M Ryan
PS: no scientific data for the paragraph above, just personal experience (IE
eyes stinging, woozy)