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To: J D <>
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 14:20:36 -0700
Dang...that's pretty harsh man.  Without knowing the details of what they've 
tried (sounds like they've tried a few things), I can't say much about their 
methods.  However, there's no need to say anything that harsh to them, we're 
all in this to learn.  Heck in the 2003 West competition, I've seen so many 
teams failed safety the first time through.  Anyone made it through the first 

In any case, here's our solution:
- with sheet metal, we made a wall around the gas tank.  Tall enough to catch 
the splatter.  Leave one side of the wall around the gas tank with a hole for 
the drain chute (just like the slide at the park).  
- Make the drain chute.  We shaped ours just like a park slide, except instead 
of it open at the end, we made a wall at the end so the spilled gas will go 
into the chute and pool at the end.  At the lowest part of the chute (ours is 
farthest from the gas tank), we drilled a small hole, inserted a piece of 
tubing and sealed it with silicone.
- drape the tubing around (make sure it's pretty long) the firewall or 
something, and're done.

We did move the gas tank away from the motor, although the above also worked 
for last year's car where we didn't remote mount the gas tank.  If you 
remotely mount the gas tank, you probably can mount the cookie sheet pan 
directly under the gas tank to catch the spilled gas, and make the tubing to 
drain it away.

Hope this helps.  For those who've never done this before, you'll be very 
surprised at how helpful other teams are.  I've seen teams let others borrow 
things from tires, engines, welders, to just about anything you can think of.

See ya in a few days.

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