The Speedometer on my 68 B decided to just quit immediately after I just
replaced the gas tank. I think that I am now getting at least 100 miles to the
I have searched the MGS archives and can't find what I need on speedomter
trouble shooting, so I apoligze for bringing this up for the quadjenloiunbst
I also can't find anything in the Haynes book or my my B shop manual.So,
1. I immediately suspect the angle drive but am not sure how to check it.
2. Both odometer and speedometer are on strike. Because they are both broke, I
suspect angle drive or cable.
3. Where exactly does the speedometer cable connect to the transmission (is
that right?) and could it have come loose of maybe have the flu.
4. I keep hoping that some of these problems will correct themselves without
5. Anyone with help or wants to talk about MGB's can call me at 866-401-5676
after 5:00 pm CST.
John Shidler