> "big-cap" systems. But I
> can't see anything like that working with the old
> "tin can" type MCs.
The trick is to come up with a remote resevoir, or at
least a remote diaphragm. On my Willys, just moving
the vent up above the water I was driving through was
a big plus (obviously), but I sealed the system with
just a zip tie and a finger cot. As Peter pointed out,
you wouldn't want to block fluid movement by doing so.
Hut-o. I've exposed my other life... I have since been
informed that some year of Ford Ranger has a remote
resevoir. I can probably look it up, if there's
interest. I suspect it's not worth the trouble, and
flushing every year or two is the solution.
>Hmmm... the diaphragm on my disc-brake 67 Plymouth
has a huge inverted
>bubble built into it.
>BTW my 66 B was built long past the era of
bobby-soxers... more like
>and rockers...
Looks to me like a localized problem, Max. Perhaps
Abbington, being remote, didn't quite catch on to the
bobby socks thing ~or~ the rubber diaphrams as quickly
as detroit. nyuk-nyuk-nyuk :-)
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