Well that's why I said "rebuilt SUs" :)
I don't think a set of good SUs would need to be touched every 5000 miles..
topping up the dashpots, maybe.
Word on the street is that Matthew Trebelhorn said:
> Well, with all due respect, I think that depends on what you mean by "easier
> to deal with." If the SUs on the car are ratty and old, then the amount of
> work necessary to have a good weber on the car is about the same as that
> necessary to have good SUs.
> After that, though, the SUs will need more attention in 5000 miles than the
> weber will in 100,000. Tuning, adjusting for seasons, altitude changes, etc.
> etc. -- SUs just need more attention. On a Weber, nothing goes out of
> adjustment, and nothing wears out. It just runs.
> And, to the original poster, the downdraft is probably a better choice, unless
> you're going to make some serious engine modifications.
> Matt
> 70 MGB
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