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Re: Cracked Head?

To: "Eric" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Cracked Head?
From: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 07:55:17 -0600 (MDT)
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 02:46:11 +0000, Eric wrote:

>Since that time I can confirm, from witnessing a number of similar
>incidences regularly at the race track, that a 'B head will weep after
>being stressed at high revs.  It then cools down and seals up again.

Probably depends on where the coolant is coming from.  If it is coming
from between the head and the block, then I would agree that the head
is not cracked.  I would think you would want to follow John Twists
advice on how to fix that.  However if your head is leaking coolant by
plug two or three (Mine was pooling slightly in the plug indentation)
where there is no seam, then I think it is hard to call it anything but
a crack.

>After a 6 minute sprint (reving over 5000 in most gears) I can get a
>decent weep happening, but then drive the car daily at street stresses
>and not see any sign of it.  This has been going on for two years.

My head was cracked, you could see the crack line in it.  It would
bleed down the side of the engine while the temps where cold, but once
it warmed up it would settle down and stop leaking.  I was concerned
that the crack might also cause the coolant bleed into the cylinder and
possibly rust...

Andrew Lundgren

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