What is RWT?
Gordon Bird wrote:
> > (Does John
> > Twist have an
> > opinion on this?)
> Indeed he does. I asked him recently WRT running on of my high compression
> 1622. He said that it might help, but that it only lasts a couple of hours
> due to evaporation. Told me to put some in a cup and see how long it lasts.
> So, I tried it with some 104+ and 24 hrs later it was still there.
> Don't know what conclusion to draw from this, either the boost is no good,
> or Twist is wrong. IMO both are equally plausible. ;^)
> In the meantime I will continue to use both a lead additive and octane
> boost. One day I hope to find someone who sells real 104 octane racing
> fuel. I'll run a tank of that and see what happens.
> Gordie Bird
> 62 MGA
> 80 MGB
> 86 Audi 4kq