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RE: Running without a thermostat

Subject: RE: Running without a thermostat
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 02:32:38 -0400
If you encounter the temperature of the engine after a normal warm up period
either too hot or too cold you may have a faulty thermostat.

Too hot.
Running too hot may be caused by a thermostat which does not open enough or
at all. This should be corrected asap, because otherwise the engine will run
too hot with all nasty things to follow like a blown cylinder head gasket.
In order to solve this, replace the thermostat or have it tested into a
bucket of hot water. If the thermostat remains closed, it is faulty and it
should be replaced.
Always have the appropiate gasket replaced at the same time!
If the thermostat is not available, you may run the engine on a temporarely
basis, until the thermostat is avaiable. The need for the gasket still
remains every time!

Too cold.
This situation may occur when the thermostat remains in the open condition,
even if the engine temperature is low.
This should be corrected by replacing the thermostat as well, although this
situation is not as damaging as being very hot. Running the engine at too
low temperature however creates excessive wear!




-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Lang []
Sent: maandag 17 april 2000 3:33
Subject: Re: Running without a thermostat

Eric: A thermostat allows water in the engine to come to normal
operating temperature by isolating the water in the block from that in
the radiator. It also restricts the flow of hot coolant from the block
to be pulled across the cooling fins by the fan. Find the cause of the
over heating problem and correct it. DO NOT remove the thermostat.


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