...not sure where it came from, it was on the first '73 BGT
I had, so it was moved to OBie which is my daily driver.
It looks exactly like the bottle I have on my Spitfire
you can see pics of the Spit installation
near the bottom of the page at
Paul Tegler wizardz@toad.net http://www.teglerizer.com
OBie - '73 BGT - daily driver
Punkin' - '78 Spitfire - corner ripping screamer
Lil' Greenee - '73 RWA Midget - lady killer
-----Original Message-----
From: rsexson@excite.com <rsexson@excite.com>
To: mgs@autox.team.net <mgs@autox.team.net>
Date: Sunday, April 02, 2000 7:55 PM
Subject: coolent recovery
>Has anyone installed a coolent recovery system on a B? I didn't see any in
>my parts catalogs. Has anyone done something different. Any suggestions?
>R. Sexson
>74.5 B
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