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Re: Crack of doom #&%^*@%!!!!

To: <>
Subject: Re: Crack of doom #&%^*@%!!!!
From: "gary & traci" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 23:37:28 -0500
there would be considerable more labor time($$$) to reskin one than to weld
the crack plus the skin would have to be welded also but if there is alot of
dents in the door then a new skin may be the way to go.


----- Original Message -----
From: John Walker <>
To: Larry Hoy <>; Bob DeWeese <>; MG
Mailing List <>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 11:17 PM
Subject: RE: Crack of doom #&%^*@%!!!!

> If you can do the welding yourself I can see how this would be a good way
> to go.
> But it seems with the amount of work that is required here it would be
> as easy to
> just buy the $50.00 door skin and have it mounted.  Am I mistaken?
> -JW
> At 09:50 PM 9/20/99 -0600, Larry Hoy wrote:
> >Bobby I had the same experience with the crack of doom.  I explained to
> >body shop how I wanted it repaired.  I guess he figured that he had a
> >way ... he didn't.  Mine waited about 1 year to re-appear.
> >
> >I fixed it the second time and it worked well.  First you have to
> >clean the area to bare steel.  Then determine where the crack ends.  You
> >drill a 1/8" hole at the end of the crack.  Then at about 1/2" spacing
> >holes along each side of the crack.  The next step is to form a piece of
> >sheet metal to fit on the inside of the door, this just needs to be big
> >enough to cover the crack and the newly drilled holes.  Then you weld the
> >sheet metal to the door, through the holes.  At this point you just
> >the surface and paint.
> >
> >Good luck.
> >
> >Larry Hoy
> >

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