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RE: 56K Line Speed?

To: "'ccrobins'" <>, "'MGB'" <>
Subject: RE: 56K Line Speed?
From: Tom Emmons <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 09:58:34 -0600
Everyone has told you about how the copper or the ISP can be the problem. 
 Remember depending where you are that it could just be as simple as that 
your Telco not supporting the speed.  Working in telco's across the US on a 
regular basis.   I can say that a lot of the local switching networks are 
not yet ready to handle the speeds or the traffic.  Even some big city 
switches are analog switches.  Just some thoughts from this phone man.

From:   ccrobins[]
Sent:   Sunday, February 14, 1999 1:27 AM
Subject:        56K  Line Speed?

  How is everybody doing on this?  I bought a 56K v.90 MODEM and the
best it ever gets on at is  493000.

  Spld another identical MODEM to my neighbor lady and it never gets on
at better than 48000.

  How are a\other listers doing?


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