Dear Paul,
You lucky DOG, a factory MGB-GT!!!! Boy, I wish I had one!
"Never Ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance."
John J. Peloquin
Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, KILE, PAUL D wrote:
> Philip,
> I beg to differ on engine removal - it is MUCH easier than any
> suspension work I have ever done. One reason is that the engine and
> trans are usually coated with a uniform layer of oily grunge. This acts
> as a preservative oil, allowing easy removal of all fasteners.
> The secret to easy engine removal is to have a crew of willing helpers
> at your disposal for the event, in addition to a good hydraulic cherry
> picker and adjustable fulcrum. I had about six guys over yesterday to
> assist with the removal of the engine from my factory MGB-GT V-8. I had
> Cheers,
> Paul Kile