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RE: Good practice at pulling engines

To: "''" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Good practice at pulling engines
From: (KILE, PAUL D)
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 07:25:54 -0700

I beg to differ on engine removal - it is MUCH easier than any
suspension work I have ever done.  One reason is that the engine and
trans are usually coated with a uniform layer of oily grunge.  This acts
as a preservative oil, allowing easy removal of all fasteners.

The secret to easy engine removal is to have a crew of willing helpers
at your disposal for the event, in addition to a good hydraulic cherry
picker and adjustable fulcrum.  I had about six guys over yesterday to
assist with the removal of the engine from my factory MGB-GT V-8.  I had
heard horror stories about the process, tight fit, requires a shoehorn,
etc. But with the lifting gear hooked up, 3 guys doing the actual
removal, and 2 guys acting as spotters, the engine and trans came out
with no hangups.  In addition, we attacked the front fenders with air
tools and had them off within 15 minutes, revealing the devastation
underneath (rust? let me tell you about rust!).  But Bob King (my body
and paint friend who will be doing the repairs) was there during the
unveiling, and he didn't flinch.  Good sign. Pizza and beer for all at
the conclusion of a very successful day of dismantling.

Paul Kile 

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