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RE: Frivolous thread generator

To: mgs <>
Subject: RE: Frivolous thread generator
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 11:04:00 -0800 (PST)
I'm 6'2.5" and I fit better in my 80 B than most cars. I appreciate the leg 
room and my head fits in there too. Although, I have had the first in line 
at the light problem. What about a little mirror on the dash? Of course as 
long as you aren't blinded by sunlight.

But seriously, everyone knows that every traffic light has a horn that goes 
off if you haven't moved withing 10 seconds of the light turning green.

From: mgs-owner
To: mgs
Subject: Frivolous thread generator
Date: Wednesday,November 15,1995 3:32PM

Now that we are in our rainy season here in Pennsylvania, I'm commuting with
top up on my '66B roadster. How I wish MG had designed a taller windshield 
this car. For a 6'4" driver its tough being the first in line at a traffic
light. You really have to scrunch down to see the light change. I even took
wooden spacers out from under the seat rails!  Typically, British cars have
plenty of headroom, for wearing a derby I guess, but they missed it with the 

roadster. I guess its another good reason to drive an 1100.

I've often wondered how many MG drivers on the list were 6' and over; why 
attracted to such small cars is a mystery.

Dave "vertically cramped" Culgan

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