On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, J. Michael Roach wrote:
> My question is: is there a problem with running the engine with a bunch of
vacuum leaks and low compression?
Vacuum leaks can lean your mixture which can cause some problems. Are you
sure that your compression is 75 psi? I had a tester once that I
discovered was off by 40 lbs. You might want to try replaceing the little
plastic valve that retains the presure in the compression tester. In
my case the tester had been overpressured by detonation during a
compression test and it was no longer the proper presure. Consistent
but wrong. IMHO it is more important that all of the cylinders be the same
as opposed to what the actuall presure is. Did you have the gas pedal all the
way down when you did the test? A little oil in the cylinder will make
the pressure reading go up if your rings are worn. One warning, even a
half teaspoon of oil can cause a detonation! Make sure the engine is cold.
> j. michael