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Re: Off topic - Eudora

To: Barrie Robinson <>
Subject: Re: Off topic - Eudora
From: David Kernberger <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 17:15:15 -0800
Cc: MG auto discussion group <>
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: David Kernberger <>

        I use Eudora Light on my Apple Macintosh computer and it is
possible to do what you want very easily.

        Open your address book and shift click the entire nickname list to
highlight them all.  Then click the "To" box and your new message will open
up on screen (with all nicknames at the top) and you can compose and send
it.  You may have figured this out already but here it is for what it is

Dave Kernberger


>Does anyone know how one sends an email to ALL of the people in the Eudora
>Address Book without the arduous task of going to each entry?   Because of
>spam I am contemplating changing my email address but this breaks the link
>to many many friends etc  So I want to broadcast an email advising change
>of address.   For some unknown reason I get invited every hour to buy a
>phony-branded watch.
>Barrie Robinson

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