There is an excellent article on thermostats by Neil Cairns, the British MG
authority, in the December 1998 issue of the Bulletin of the Octagon Car
Cairns claims that the bypass may be blocked as there is a tiny bleed hole
in a modern thermostat to assist system filling. He states: " A bypass is
not needed, 5,000,000 'A' series Metros cannot be wrong, they had their's
If you are still nervous, a 1/4" hole as Chip Old describes won't hurt,
although Cairns would consider it unnecessary.
54 TF 1500
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Allen <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Blocking the Bypass
> All,
> I'm finishing up on my TD's cooling system, and have the thermostat off
> car. As such this would be the time to consider blocking the bypass. I
> remember there being some discussion about this in the past, and have
> searched the archives which indicates that doing this is a bit
> controversial. I need to know from the listers why it's desirable or
> undesireable to do this, and the best way to do it if I decide to go ahead
> with it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Scott Allen
> '52 TD
> _________________________________________________________________________