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Re: Offset cam sprocket keys

Subject: Re: Offset cam sprocket keys
From: David Littlefield <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 15:12:21 -0500
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 12:48:26 -0500 "Marty Klein" <>
> Hi Folks,
> I'm installing a fast-road cam in my 53 TD XPAG. I want to degree in 
> the
> cam, but understand that I will need offset cam sprocket keys to 
> adjust the
> cam/crank timing.  Can anyone tell me where I can get these offset 
> keys, or
> even how to go about making them?


I rebuilt my TD motor following Horst Schach's instructions in his MGTD
Restoration Manual.  He goes into quite a bit of detail on degreeing the
cam.  Unfortunately, he doesn't say in the book where to get offset keys.
 I called the usual suspects, including O'Connor Classics in California
and Bill Engle in Florida.  None had ever heard of offset keys for the
XPAG engine and all said they were not needed, given the accuracy of cam
grinding today.  This wasn't helpful, considering I had a new "old" cam
that wasn't ground to today's accuracy.

I finally tracked down Horst Schach's email address and asked him where
he got his offset keys.  He referred me to David Zyp at Motor Good
Automotive.  David had manufactured some offset keys and I told him which
one I needed and he sent one out.  I think I paid about $12.

Motor Good's address, etc., is as follows:

349 Glenroy Ave.
Cincinnati, OH  45238
(513) 922-8076
(513) 922-6483 (fax)

Hope this helps!

David Littlefield
Houston, TX
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'88 Jaguar XJ-S


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