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Re: TD camshaft

To: "Ray McCrary" <>
Subject: Re: TD camshaft
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 08:11:27 -0700

I support the point you make in this note but wonder what on earth it has to
do with a TD camshaft?

(Feeling grumpy this morning, and wondering how Digest readers are supposed
to know what mail is about when the Subject has no bearing on the

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray McCrary <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Date: Friday, April 14, 2000 8:02 AM
Subject: RE: TD camshaft

>Did all of you get the last Sacred Octagon? Did you read the article
>purporting to name the best MG's?
>I got a real laugh out of the author's dismissal of the MGA and MGB as
>non-starters.  As much as I love the T type, the MGA was the machine that
>kept MG in business, as well as the car that brought it into the modern
>world. The B was a rather phenomenal car, too, if just for its longevity of
>The new F was dismissed without even a comment.  I drove one of the VVC
>MG-F's on the last trip to England, and I WISH they would import them.
>are really wonderful cars, much in the vein of the early cars in the sense
>that they are relatively affordable, fast and nimble, and produce more
>"smiles per mile" then does the competition.
>What's up with the us-against-them mentality? MG has been the marque of
>hospitality and friendliness every where that I have ever traveled, and I
>just think that this sort of article should be consigned to the bottom of
>the birdcage.
>I say "Drive Those MG's!" no matter what age the car or you!!

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