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RE: Master Switch Help

To: "Sparky" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Master Switch Help
From: "todd" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 18:32:52 +0000
Sparky, I don't believe it matters a bit function wise. Failure wise on the 
other hand I do believe matters if running straight from the battery(just 
like a main breaker). 
Concerning the wire connecting the switch to the battery:
If it's on the positive side and it shorts it will cause fire and/or meltdown.
If it's on the negative side and it shorts it will keep the circuit alive.
Either way you decide, my reccomendation would be to put it as close to the 
battery as possible and run the connecting lead inside a rubber hose if 
there's any chance at all of it getting knicked or scraped in an accident.

> what are the pros or cons of putting the master cut off switch on the
> ground side or postive side of your batteries?
>   "Sparky"
> Lakester 2211

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