Nope, clutchless shifting is available with most race built 4 & 5-speeds as
well as the Lenco.
And yes you have rotating gears in a 4 or 5-speed, but at any given time 75%
are free wheeling and don't take enough HP to amount to anything. It's not
just the rotating mass that counts it's also, and often more importunately,
efficiency that really counts. The lack of efficiency in a T-400 eats about
HP over a clutchless 4-speed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "DrMayf" <>
To: "David Freiburger" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Lenco trans for LSR?
> Dave,
> clutchless shifting? Don't you have to have either a sprint car type
> coupler, a regular clutch, or a torque converter to handle the in gear out
> of gear, nuetral, coast issues anyway? As to rotating mass, every gear in
> 6 speed is rotating at the same time, so I don't see too much difference
> rotating mass. There are clutches inside which might slip though? Plus,
> don't you have to have a tranny blanket with planetary trans? Not with
> regular trans. I think they look cool, and would like to see some
> innovation along these lines...
> mayf, the ignorant desert rat and owner of the world's fastest Sunbeam
> wannabie....
> Subject: Lenco trans for LSR?
> > I've been copied on some messages from the list for a while, but now
> officially signed up at my direct e-mail address rather than through Rod &
> Custom.
> >
> > Anyway, here's the deal. Keith Turk and I have been back and forth on
> one, so what do you think: is a Lenco appropriate for LSR? You can put
> together a five or six-speed with nearly any combination of ratios. I say
> that the instant, cluchless shifting will save valuable ground. Keith
> the rotating mass of all those planetaries could suck too much power. I'm
> thinking of using one in a '79 Trans Am with a big-block for A/GC, A/GALT,
> and A/FALT.
> >
> > DF
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