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Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......

To: dahlgren <>
Subject: Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......
From: Dick J <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 07:39:27 -0700 (PDT)
I always did
> and always will go the
> speed that the traffic flow is going. if it is
> 20 in a 35 that is fine
> and if it is 80 in a 65 makes no diff blend in
> with the middle lane and
> try not to get hit by some moron on the phone
> instead of driving

Don't be so cynical - you sound like an attorney!
 I drive just the way you do, I blend in with
traffic and use their speed as my gauge. Last
year I was driving across the center of south
Florida on a stretch of road that had no
crossroads for miles.  I was following two 18
wheeler fruit trucks and there was one behind me.
All four of us doing a steady 80.  Out of
nowhere, a trooper appears and nails me for
speeding - Oh Well.  Was I speeding?  Was I
breaking the law?  Yup.  Why did he stop me? 
Only he knows.    When you are on the Interstate
and you approach Washington DC or Atlanta or any
other big metro area you will undoubtedly
encounter a sight that says "Reduce Speed Ahead",
so you click it off of cruise, prepare to drop
from 70 to 60 or whatever, and end up having to
speed up to 80 unless you want to be a hazard and
get run over.  It's still against the law, but
it's probably more prudent to follow the stream
of traffic than it is to follow the law.  Hey -
that's life.  You can either pay a lot more taxes
so they can put on fifteen hundred more troopers
around that city to be sure that EVERYBODY slows
down when they are supposed to, or you can get
150,000 votes together to get the law changed,
but until then, you have to live in the world the
way it is.  Most cops do the best they can, with
what they have, under the circumstances that they
have to work, to ensure the public safety, and I
respect them for that.  If, from time to time,
during the course of my life, it inconveniences
me a little, I can accept that.    

..........Dick J............. 
......(In East Texas)........
..........# 729..............
.Hemis and Flatheads Forever.

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