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Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......

To: "Don Kerr" <>,
Subject: Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......
From: "David Haller" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 18:59:17 -0700
I've been in the law enforcement realm since 1970. At first it was with
LAPD, Rampart most of the time, for thirteen years. At that time we were not
allowed to use radar since it was not accurate 100% of the time. In
Washington state the use of radar is allowed and technology has improved to
the point that the court will accept the accuracy of the machine and allow
it to be used to issue citations to the motoring public. California now has
adopted that position and radar is in use throughout the state. My
suggestion to you is two fold. If your driving record is clean I suggest you
contest the citation with an explanation, the one you gave on the list is
absolutely reasonable and the court will listen to that argument and you
have a fifty fifty chance of having it dismissed. On the other hand, if your
driving record reflects several infractions over a period of time the court
usually finds in favor of the issuing agency. None of that is set in stone,
you have a human being sitting on the bench wearing a black robe and they
also have good and bad days and sometimes they let that get in the way. Good
luck, if you challenge the radar system itself most departments have their
own expert and will put them on the stand to explain the workings of the
thing as well as accuracy.
Dave Haller #93 C/GAlt
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Kerr" <>
To: "Glen Barrett" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......

> Thanx Glen, I just throwed(sic) that out there for feed back, as a
> discussion on the merits of radar speed aquisitition reletive to
> angle/size/material......DK.

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