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Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......

To: David Haller <>,
Subject: Re: POLICE RADAR--longish......
From: Don Kerr <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 16:25:21 -0500
Thank you David, I did mention, that the officer said he was 'not'
issuing a citation and indeed he didn't. The other thing that is
puzzling, and you may know as a former office , the fact he was able to
compute the vehicle ahead of me at 62 mph and then me at 73 mph.The
resultant question is how can an accurate speed be gotten in what I've
measured as a closing speed of 110 mph which means the cruiser caught
the first vehicles speed and then mine in ONE AND ONE TENTH OF A SECOND
assuming the cruiser at 60mph, as the vehicle in front was 200 ft ahead
of me.
Any way , I have never been issued a ticket here in the USA, I've been
here 12 years. I know most of the OHP around this area, we have a coffee
shop over the road by my shop they all frequent, as indeed do many of
the city police with whom I have a good relationship and the sergeant,
James New is a good friend and I look after his daughters car for her
and ride with him some times in his city car, he always singles out a
car to target 
either by pacing or close, to hit the radar without other
objects/vehicles in line of site.
Any way, this is just for the record......I don't feel bad about it nor
resent the stop. Thanx 4 your reply David.............DK

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