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RE: Non Healey-seeking opinions

To: "'Heard'" <heard@datatrontech.net>,
Subject: RE: Non Healey-seeking opinions
From: John Sims <ahbn6@optonline.net>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 15:50:01 -0400
My favorite is waiting 30-40 minutes past my scheduled appointment time
while a parade of shapely pharmaceutical reps waltz into the Doctor's inner
sanctum like they own the joint. Maybe if they did not exist, drug prices
would fall and we would not be prescribed high priced drugs that are
manufactured solely to replace lower cost drugs. I have, on several
occasions, mentioned the price of some of these drugs to my doctor only to
be told that he had no idea of their price while he volunteers to prescribe
a lower priced one.

I know, I know - nothing to do with Healeys but I am going on vacation in
another hour or so.

John Sims, BN6
Aberdeen, NJ

My favorite is when the insurance company doesn't pay because the charges
are not 'reasonable and customary'.  Then the doctors office wants me to
pay.  Well...if the experts at the insurance company have decided that they
aren't 'reasonable or customary', why should I have to pay the difference???
I've gotten to where I shop around for prices.  
Heard Saxon

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