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Re: rear hub nuts

To: WHCross <WHCross@alltel.net>
Subject: Re: rear hub nuts
From: Dave Carpenter <d.carpenter7@verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 21:30:05 -0500
Got a welder? I use a cheapo or junk 1/2 inch drive socket and weld it 
right to the nut. The heat from the weld and the socket being attached 
right to the nut usually do the trick. Cut the weld with a disc cuter 
and move to the next nut.


WHCross wrote:
> I have run into a problem in disassembling the BJ7 and need some advice from
> the list. Five of the ten rear hub nuts have been "rounded off" by previous
> workers. The correct size socket just slips when you try and turn it. Any
> suggestions on removing these nuts or am I going to have to drill out the
> studs? TIA. Wendall Cross BJ7.

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