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Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?
From: "Byron Short" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:44:19 -0700
I know you're only making fun here, but for those that
aren't familiar with them, a wheel speed sensor uses a
magnet on the inside edge of one of the wheels (usually a
non-driven wheel).  The magnet is sensed by a sensor mounted
near the wheel, usually on a brake caliper or other fixed
part near/within the wheel.  This is then hardwired back to
the data acqusition unit.  

It's the wiring and permanant nature of the installation
that I object to for GEEZ.  One of our tenets has been ease
of use, and ease of moving from car to car.  This goes away
with a wheel speed sensor.  


"" wrote:
> Would it be legal? I know GEEZ has been deemed legal, but would that also 
>apply to hanging and external speed sensor off the car? What if the sensor was 
>powered by a 426 Hemi? ;-)
> --
> Ron Katona

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