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Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?

Subject: Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?
From: Jeff Cashmore <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 20:46:06 -0600
>Let me ask it this way...would people be willing to pay, say, $800 for a GEEZ 
>model with wheel speed if it produced maps that were generally 90% accurate 
>with no adjustments?
>I don't know the answer, I'm really asking...

Well, some of us would <g> but you're obviously looking at a smaller
market.  If GPS or whatever technology could provide a way to show the
differences between two overlaid maps, then I think it would be worth it. 
However, the accuracy would probably have to be within a couple of feet for
autox use and I don't see that happening anytime soon.


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