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Re: Posting Maps

To: Mike Shields <>
Subject: Re: Posting Maps
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 12:48:17 -0700
The best plan for putting GEEZ data across the GEEZ net is this:

1.  Please rename your files to a unique name before you send them.  If 
you use the default name, such as "99091503", there's a very good 
possibility that we already have that name on our own computers.  This 
means that if we download your runs we could overwrite one of our own.  
So instead, rename your run with a text name.  For Nationals I've been 
using a format like "BSHOR-N3".  That's first initial, last name up to 5 
total character, followed by dash, the course (North or South), and the 
run number.

2.  Zip the files.  Most systems recognize a zipped file as non-text.  
Remember, though, we need to have both the *.GCD file (or *.GAD if you 
are recording with a G.Analyst), and the *.INI file, which includes the 
adjustment, your notes from the diary, etc.  Zip the both into a single 
zip file.  If you are sending multiple runs, zip them all together, 
including the *.GCD and the *.INI for each.

This strategy will work the vast majority of the time, although there 
are still some cases where the data will be stored in line, rather than 
as an include file.  Also, a typical 60 second zipped GEEZ file 
recorded at 10Hz (GCD and INI combined) will be only about 3K.  This is 
as small as a typical e-mail message (okay, smaller than one of mine).


Mike Shields wrote:
> Hey, instead of posting maps to the mailing list, how about if Byron sets up 
> ftp site with web links from to the maps people feel like
> uploading.  I'm sure that he could even figure out an alternate way for those
> people worried about ftp and how to use it.
> It looks like file uploads will never come across the list as attachments (at
> least they never have for me, just inline data) so we might need another way 
> do it. Plus this gives everyone an archive of runs to look at and compare.
> Mike
> Mike Shields
> Webmaster Utah Region SCCA
> <>
> '99 Arrest-Me-Red Miata Sport Pkg

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