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Re: Wish list items

Subject: Re: Wish list items
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 14:29:43 EDT
In a message dated 9/7/99 12:54:16 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Theoretically this will work.  The on-board voltage regulator will 
 handle up to 16v, so that part should be fine.  However, vehicle 
 electrical systems are not known for being particularly "clean".  And we 
 haven't tested how the G-Cube will work with the extra heat generated by 
 the 16v input vs the 9v input.  While the 9v results in about 4 volts 
 shed by the regulator, that jumps to 8 volts shed with the power from a 
 typical 12v auto system (which is closer to 13.2v or so).  So 
 theoretically the power shed, and hence the heat, both double.   >>

Why not just use a zener diode to regulate the voltage to 9V max input?

M Sipe

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