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Re: Deletion bug on the Palm...

To: Todd Green <>
Subject: Re: Deletion bug on the Palm...
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:02:12 -0700
I say you win, like, maybe $5.00 out of that $10 bet.  ;-)

There are other ways to pull the data out other than Codewarrior.  CASL 
(on the Palm side) has it's own generic conduit support, which is what 
we looked at before we made the decision to not go that way.  But I'd be 
glad to concede that we were chased off largely by the complexities of 
the conduit...and perhaps those complexities wouldn't have been so 
difficult if we were using Codewarrior.  So in a round-about way, I 
think you might be at least partially right.

After reading about the conduit, I was left wondering "why did they make 
this so hard?"  And rather than wonder too long, I built the direct 
download method we use instead.


Todd Green wrote:
> >Which begs the question -- why don't we use hotsync for uploading the
> >data rather than a proprietary multi-step mechanism (during which I must
> >turn off the hotsync manager)?
> $10 says it is because the "conduit" SDK only worked under Visual C++ 4.1
> (perhaps {5,6}.0) right now, and Byron doesn't use that IDE.
> For more info see:
> Todd

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