I'll suggest tossing the wiring harness and starting from scratch. If it is a
"real" race car, the only circuits you need would seem to be
0. Cut off switch ( Oh boy, remember that discussion? )
1. Ignition ( with starter button )
2. Fuel, if electric pump
3. Cooling fan, if fitted with electric
4. Alternator, if fitted.
I imagine I forgot something, maybe brake lights or a rain light if required.
If the car is more streetable, with lights and wipers and such, then starting
scratch might be more of a pain. The red race car which is the top picture on
home page [ http://www.team.net/mjb ] was a mess when I got it. It had been
from scratch. The yellow wires were the ignition/starter switch circuit. The
wires were the electric fuel pump circuit. The yellow wires were the cooling
fan circuit,
I rewired it using blue wire for cooling fan, green for fuel pump, red for
ignition and
used a large multi-conductor plug between the dash wires and the chassis wires.
That way
I could remove the dash panel from the car disconnecting just the big plug, not
all the
individual wires.