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charging system 1966 1600

Subject: charging system 1966 1600
From: karl mainord <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 13:06:13 -0800 (PST)
Hi guys and gals, I have a 66 1600 with a charging problem, I was having this 
problem last year, so I changed the battery, cables, voltage regulator and 
alternator. this seemed to solve it for about 6 months then the same problem 
came back. What am i not seeing?  also i purchased a electronic ignition kit 
off eBay, the add said early roadster, but when i got it is says for 68-77 on 
the back. on the front cover it states " for all 4 cylinder with counter 
clockwise rotation Hitachi distributor except California".  Will this work or 
do i need to find a different kit? thanks for your input...... Karl
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