Hello Again Fellow Listers, Well I had a friend over on the weekend to try
and solve this mystery. He tested the starter w/out a load and it was fine.
We then went over to the engine for another look. He also questioned me on
the "slightly tight" engine I mentioned to you all. When he tried to turn
it over he could not move it at all. I assured him that this was not what I
meant. Now it looks like the engine is totally bound up somewhere.
Is it possible that I have worn off all the lube used to originally rebuild
the engine. I can't turn the engine either way from the crank. Counter
clockwise only loosens the bolt. The mechanic suggested backing off the cam
bolts to see if the problem is there. i.e. before pulling the engine and
checking the crank bearings. I have never been able to turn over the engine
enough to get the oil pump pressured up and force oil into all the bearings.
Marriage, family etc have all added up to an engine sitting for almost 5
years since it was rebuilt. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.