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RE: anti-theft devices

To: "'Donna and Terry Cost'" <>,
Subject: RE: anti-theft devices
From: "Daniel Neuman" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:10:30 -0700
Those Damn eleven year old girls in GO-Karts!!!
My personal nemesis is this beautiful woman who rides a Ducati Monster
across the Bay bridge every morning when I do.  Hard as I try I just can't
seem to catch her!!! ;)

        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA

$our problems we posted faster times than 90% of the cars out there, and
with a
$few adjustments we should be beating everything except the open wheel race
$cars and the 11-year-old girl in the go-cart.  Our next event is scheduled
$May 1 at Mineral Wells.  Come by and see us if you're in the area.
$Leisure Suit Terry

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