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anti-theft devices

To: <>
Subject: anti-theft devices
From: "Donna and Terry Cost" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:12:48 -0500
I ran a Google search that had 124,000 hits for anti-theft devices.  A few
years ago I read an article where an anti-theft device was designed to stop
fuel delivery after a minute or so.  The thief would have enough gas to drive
out of a parking area, then the car would strand him on a street.  Most
thieves like to work in a secluded area, and will abandon a non-working car if
it is in public view.  When you return to find your car missing, it will be
within walking distance in public view, or the city will have towed it to a
secure facility.  They would have towed it anyway after the thieves were
finished with it, and it will not have been trashed.  A 30 second timer
connected to a solenoid on the fuel supply would do the trick.

Or, you can attach a pull-wire to a tie rod and have an explosive device blow
out a tire at the first turn.  Walk to the car, change the tire, and drive
off.  If you attached another explosive device to the drivers seat you could
also catch the thief, or parts of him.  Just don't forget to disarm the device
each time you drive your car.

Andy and I drove his car at the SCCA Houston National Tour this past weekend.
Scott McQueen is in our class.  He has won the EMOD National Championship
several times in his car.  Our limited slip was too tight and we had a bad
push in the front, so our times were not good enough to beat Scott.  Even with
our problems we posted faster times than 90% of the cars out there, and with a
few adjustments we should be beating everything except the open wheel race
cars and the 11-year-old girl in the go-cart.  Our next event is scheduled for
May 1 at Mineral Wells.  Come by and see us if you're in the area.

Leisure Suit Terry

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