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Re: Bikini top?

To: "Mark Sedlack" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Bikini top?
From: "Mark" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:58:16 -0700
Hi Mark,

When I rigged up a bikini top (I called it a 'surrey top') on my 67.5, about
fifteen years ago, I used a spare frame with a beat up top, which I cut the
side and back windows out of.  The trick was to make a couple of special
spacers to keep the aftmost bows apart.  The spacers are just long enough to
be quite tight when installed, but do-able while sitting in the seat.

At a red light in the shade, I 'll unlatch the front, swing the top back
like a clamshell and enjoy the shade for a moment or two.  When the light
turns yellow for the other guys, I snap it shut, latch the front and drive
off with spectators smiling and scratching their heads.

I keep the spacers in place with Velcro, wrapped around the frame bow and
back onto itself.  The profile of the spacer is quite like the airfoil of a
simple wing (arched on top, flat on the bottom) with a notch at each end,
which allows it to 'bite' the bow.

If you want the top down, it takes about ten seconds to remove the spacers
(they just dangle from the bow because of the Velcro strap), unlatch the
front and fold it down into the back where a full top goes to bed.  If the
small female complains of being cold, I'll put the top up, roll up the
windows and turn on the heater, all without getting out of the car (not so
easy at 5'15+, 235lbs and 55 blue collar years), and that's plenty to keep
one little monkey off my back.

Hoping this helps, inspires or amuses,

Mark in Modesto

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